Week 21: What can I learn from the Kingfisher?
Yesterday I was invited by a friend to the Royal National Park south of Sydney for a bird watching outing. Although I have observed birds in various places over my life, I have never “gone bird watching” before. Yet, I was drawn to participate. These past months I have been enraptured by birds in new ways. In Bristol the bird nests were starkly visible among the bare branches of the trees. In Llandudno there was an amazing presence of birds, some flying in large flocks, others soaring high in the sky, seagulls waiting on every morsel that drops from my sandwich. On returning home the galahs are causing a racquet in the trees around the park, ibis are scavenging among the rubbish bins and the amazing rainbow lorikeets busying themselves in the Eucalypts by our balcony. As I wake in the morning, I can almost tell the hour of the day by the dominant bird calls out the window. And again, seagulls and also kookaburras and s...