I am much more than my DNA - We Gather as People of Spirit

Out of the silence the spirit comes. God’s spirit comes with healing, to a wold that cries our for transformation and renewal. She is the breath of the power of God, She is the a reflection of God’s eternal light. Let us celebrate with joy God’s sacred presence, here in this place and in our world. Come Holy Spirit come. 1 For 59 years I have identified as Catholic. Christian, yes, but a particular form of Christianity- Catholicism. I was born into a Catholic family, baptized as a three week old, with much relief to my parents. Mary, a previous daughter, was born dead and was never baptized. She was in “limbo,” my parents were told. Following the loss of Mary, my mother converted to Catholicism. She had been brought up, and as a youth was relatively active, in the Church of England. My dad was Polish and much of my Catholic upbringing was influenced by the Polish, pre Vatican II Church that he knew. I attend...