Contemplative Photography in Spiritual Companioning

Image from: I am part of a 40-minute lunch time “Connect and Reflect” Contemplative Dialogue circle that meets each Thursday lunch time at Pitt St Uniting Church, an inner-city church in Sydney. We commence with 10 minutes meditation. Then each person introduces themselves and answers an opening question, on this occasion “where have you recently seen beauty?” Then I placed a photo on the centre table., an example of the Japanese art of Kintsugi whereby a broken piece of pottery is repaired with gold. I posed a series of questions, each person invited to share their response. No discussion, just intentional, attentive listening and pausing. 1. As you gaze upon the picture what do you notice? 2. What is evoked within you? 3. How does it connect with what is going on in your life at present? 4. We then paused, honouring what has been shared and noticed, what has shifted for us in our time t...