I await, allow, accept and attend.

I await, allow, accept and attend. The Blessings of Fallow Time- 12 Months from the Beginning of Sabbatical. I have recently returned from 14 nights away. Six nights at St Mary’s Towers Douglas Park where I had a challenging and blessed retreat as part of my immersion in the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius. I started the Spiritual Exercises in Daily life in January and anticipate it will take me the year to complete this 19 th Annotation of the Exercises. This was closely followed by 8 nights in Melbourne for meetings, the ANSD (Australian Network for Spiritual Direction) Conference on The Dreaming and Dreams and a Professional Development Workshop on working with dreams. Such an enriching time. While I was in Melbourne, I became aware that 12 months previously I set out on a 14-week sabbatical for rest, renewal and reorientation, hoping to explore ways of offering Spiritual Accompaniment among the fringes. Following this rich, simulati...