Oh how things changes in such a short time!

It is just over 3 months since I created my last post entitled "Celebrating Life" following my 60th Birthday. Now so many around the world are grieving. Thousands have more than 20,000 have died from COVID 19 and there are nearly half a million cases of coronavirus. (Interestingly there are over 800 millions people suffering hunger around the world and we have not responded with such urgency to this crisis! I am also convinced that if as an international community we wanted to avert a climate crisis we have the capacity to do so given the way the world has responded to COVID 19 in recent months- but I digress) Many, many countries are in lock down with job loses and ecomnic insecurity becoming the lived experience of millions across the world. I am fortunate to live in a country with a great health system and infrastructure. Many are suffering much worse than we are in Australia. None of this could have been anticipated back in ...