https://medium.com/@globalpurposeapproach/silence-is-complicity-holocaust-remembrance-9ad12843d9f5 At times, no frequently, I as a white, middle class woman living in a comfortable apartment in Sydney, feel powerless. Powerless to act, powerless to make a difference. I also feel conflicted. My heart, my conscience, wanted to march in the Black Lives Matters demonstration. I wanted to join the protests highlighting that there have been more than 430 Aboriginal deaths in custody since the 1991 Royal Commission and add my voice to those raging that despite this atrocious number no one has been held accountable. Aboriginal people are still dying in custody. Dying prematurely are disadvantaged by every socio-economic indicator. Yes, I have had my wings clipped. And I feel embarrassed. What is my silence and non-participation saying? Desmond Tutu says “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have ...