Week 7: Seeing Differently
I have had a passion for photography from quite a young age. I have a good eye for composition and am captivated by colour and shape. However, despite having taken art as a School Certificate subject, I have never described myself as artistic and have been intimidated by holding a pencil or a paint brush in public. Yet, I have over the last 20 years used art as a way of reflecting on my internal world and spiritual stirrings, frequently creating mandalas in pencil or poster paint. So, somehow, I was drawn to add a week of Watercolour and Drawing to my sabbatical program and so this past week I have been at Ammerdown near Bath in the UK along with 4 other women under the tutelage of Jos Blake. During the week I was reacquainted with the colour wheel and complementary colours but discovered that there is not just red, yellow and blue primary colours, but warm and cool reds, warm and cool yellows and warm and cool blues, and the earth colours of raw si...