Week 6: A Dream, A Big Dream!
“Above all, trust
in the slow work of God.”
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, SJ
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, SJ
I have an on-going dream, a big dream, a
dream I first spoke of in November 2016 when I graduated from the “Listen into
Life” Spiritual Direction Formation Program.
During this sabbatical, this dream has been enriched and I hope will become
a reality into the future.
In October 2015, I commenced as Pastoral
Care Officer at Matthew Talbot Hostel for the homeless. The weekend before I went for interview I was
deeply moved and inspired when Lucy Abbot Tucker shared with “The Listen into
Life” Spiritual Direction community the Ignatian Spirituality Project (ISP) http://www.ignatianspiritualityproject.org/
Subsequently, but before being appointed
at Pastoral Care Officer, I began to dream that we (as yet to be defined we)
could offer retreat experiences either working with ISP to review and if
necessary modify the Ignatian Spirituality Project for our circumstances here
in Sydney or develop and offer our own retreat opportunities for those
experiencing homelessness.
We know that spirituality is vital to us
all and even more so for those who experience homelessness, mental illness,
addictions and trauma. Many of us know
how richly nourished we are by beauty, nature, stillness, rest, wholesome food
and spiritual accompaniment that we encounter in our retreats. For a person who is experiencing homelessness
such experiences are beyond reach.
I describe my initial dream, as I envisaged
it in November 2016, below.
A 2
night / 3 day retreat for those experiencing homelessness..
A bus picks up a small group of
participants after lunch on Day 1.
Participants are taken to the retreat centre via a clothing store where
they can select 2 new sets of clothes.
When they arrive at the centre they are greeted by the “team” and shown
to their rooms, where they can shower and change into their new clothes. Their original clothes are collected,
laundered and mended as required and returned to them at the end of the
The retreat community (participants,
volunteer prayer companions, spiritual directors, centre staff) would then
gather for introductions and orientation.
Participants, volunteer prayer companions and spiritual directors would
then have short session before pre-dinner nibbles. Dinner would follow with some choices in menu
available. After dinner an opportunity
for participants to meet with their director and prayer companion. The evening would conclude with contemplative
Day 2 would commence with a buffet
breakfast. In the morning there would be
contemplative prayer, a short input and free time before a smorgasbord lunch. The afternoon would include free time, a short
input session and pre-dinner prayer.
There would be opportunities to meet with one’s director in the morning
and / or afternoon. After dinner would
be a community celebration evening.
Day 3 commences with breakfast, prayer,
and a short input followed by free time.
After lunch there would be a final gathering, a celebratory prayer. The washed and if required mended clothes
would be returned to the retreat participants before boarding the bus for the
return journey.
All of this will be of no cost to the
participant with the retreat centre having donated the 2 night / 3 day
accommodation costs, the spiritual directors, prayer companions, washers and
menders donating their time, the bus and new clothing would either be donated
or sponsored by a benefactor.
On the weekend of 29-30 September, I had
the privilege of being a participant on an ISP retreat in Akron, Ohio. What a wonderful gift was offered to these
women. And I was moved by how responsive
they were and how the various elements of the retreat touched each of them in
profound ways.
The retreat, as I experienced it in Akron,
drew on elements of Ignatian and 12 Step spirituality. I also noted that it addressed each of the
lost connections identified by Jon Hari as causes of depression.[i]
I left the retreat with a sense that I can
do this. I wonder with whom could I do
this? How can we do it? Drawing on what resources? Where could we do it? The realisation of this dream is still some
way off.
However, I sense, initially I, together
with others, will continue to offer contemplative listening spaces in various
contexts. I experienced Sidewalk Talk in
New York,[ii] and met with various people
on the team. I am aware that others in Sydney are leading Sidewalk Talk
events. I am keen to be part of this listening presence community as Sidewalk
Talk nurtures human connection through heart-centred listening. “Listening Posts” and “Listening Circles”
could continue to be a particular offering in spaces in the “margins,*” offering
vulnerable people “the space to explore [and give voice to] their inner territory.”[iii] As Anne Scott says:
only is there a growing homelessness problem here - and across the
world - which is touching more and more people, but there is also a certain
homelessness of the soul - of the inner. And so, when we offer a place
for women to meet and connect at this level, while their outer
problems remain, they are able to find peace - home, even if just for an
hour. Slowly something comes alive in the women through this process.
Not for all, of course, because some wounds are so deep, and their issues
can be complex. But there is usually a healing that takes place, even if
it is just a felt experience of being welcomed, as they are having their sacredness
I would also like to offer contemplative
reflection days for those in the “margins.”
In addition, I feel deeply drawn to begin planning for and develop the capacity
to, offer retreats, together with the associated on-going follow up spiritual accompaniment
and commence the formation of teams who will lead the retreats.
If you would like to explore this further
with me and hopefully others, please make contact (elizabethlee59@gmail.com)
works are often spoiled by moving too quickly... The good which God desires is
accomplished almost by itself, without our even thinking of it. St Vincent de Paul
Let's see where the Divine leads.
* Limitations of language. I am struggling to find respectful ways to
name what is being offered to whom.
While some of this contemplative listening may take place in the “mainstream”
I am particularly focused on offering a listening presence among those who are rarely
listening to and easily overlooked in mainstream environment, hence the use of “margins.”
With deep gratitude to all those who have helped cultivate this dream including Chrisitne and the ISP Staff, Margaret, Jena, Teri, Toni, Erin and the participants of the Cleveland ISP Retreat, Traci and Marie and the Sidewalk Talk Team, Anna and the New York Sidewalk Talk listeners, Anne, Dianna and the Listening Circles in California, Marcia and the Listening Post volunteers, Lucy Abbott Tucker, Sally Longley, Don Bisson, Sr Margurite, Sr Carolyn, Edwina and all those who have been helping cultivate this dream from its inception.
Jon Hari Lost Connections- Uncovering the
Real Causes of Depression and the Unexpected Solutions London: Bloomsbury Circus.
[iii] Marcia
Wakeland, “The Art of Listening Deeply with the Vulnerable and Marginalised.” Presence.
Vol 23, (2) June 2017.
[iv] Scott,
Anne. Finding Home: Restoring the
Sacredness to Life- stories of women in homelessness and transition. Sebastopol: Nicosia Press, 2016.
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