
Showing posts from February, 2019

Week 23: The Tree of Life

I have now been “Home” for 10 weeks and during this time have been sitting with my sabbatical experience, talking and sharing with many people, seeking counsel and reflecting on how the Spirit is moving.   The image that remains with me is that of a tree. A tree that is deeply rooted in rich soils that have been enriched by the decaying autumn sheddings.   Roots that while I was away were nourished through art, meditation, writing, photography, walking, mindfulness, reading, mandalas, nature, labyrinths, theatre, scripture, journaling, and the generous hospitality of relatives, friends, and strangers.   And the nurturing of the roots of this Tree of Life has continued through conversations over a pot of tea, a shared meal, a phone call.   Nourished through yoga, watercolour classes, Feldenkrais, photography, a monthly writing workshop, theatre, gardening and a local Bushcare group, reading, walking, cooking, swimming, offering hospitality to relatives, friends...

Week 22: Margins or Fringes?

The fringe of a blanket in the Meditation Hall at the Omega Center in upstate New York For some years now, as many of you would be aware, I have I have been exploring and offering what I have been naming “Spiritual Direction / Spiritual Accompaniment in the Margins.”   But a few months ago, actually at the end of the first week of my sabbatical, while in Burlingame California, I began to name things differently, at least privately, for myself.   And since then I have continued to reflect upon the shift that took place in Burlingame. I have been pondering the concept of “fringes” rather than “margins”.   " Spiritual Accompaniment in the Fringes." A fringe is a decorative boarder that adds beauty to a fabric.   The integrity of the fabric is closely related to how the fringes are cared for.   If the fringes are tattered and frayed the rest of the fabric is vulnerable, and likely to unravel.   If the fringes are cared for, and protected the rest...