Week 23: The Tree of Life
I have now been “Home” for 10 weeks and during this time
have been sitting with my sabbatical experience, talking and sharing with many
people, seeking counsel and reflecting on how the Spirit is moving. The image that remains with me is that of a
A tree that is deeply rooted in rich soils that have been
enriched by the decaying autumn sheddings.
Roots that while I was away were nourished through art, meditation,
writing, photography, walking, mindfulness, reading, mandalas, nature, labyrinths,
theatre, scripture, journaling, and the generous hospitality of relatives,
friends, and strangers. And the
nurturing of the roots of this Tree of Life has continued through conversations
over a pot of tea, a shared meal, a phone call.
Nourished through yoga, watercolour classes, Feldenkrais, photography, a
monthly writing workshop, theatre, gardening and a local Bushcare group,
reading, walking, cooking, swimming, offering hospitality to relatives, friends
and strangers. And dreaming and discerning
future possibilities.
The branches of this Tree of Life, while still bare, are
full of life’s energy. Which ones will
bud in coming weeks or months, which will blossom in coming years, which will
wither, I do not know? At the moment, I
am only aware of the rich possibilities that exist within each limb.
At present, the nude limbs awaiting spring (even though in
Australia we are moving towards autumn) include: 1:1 listening, Listening
Circles, Reflection Days, Retreats, Networking, Facilitation and
Formation. Each of these may take place
within the domestic arena, my local community, in mainstream society, among the
fringes or beyond in places and spaces I have not even envisioned.
What I do recognise that none of this will come into being
through my efforts alone. I know I need
to be open to exploring possibilities with others, knowing that when two or
more gather, a presence and power greater than the sum of the individuals is
manifest allowing for simple actions to be undertaken with great love and bring
forth profound transformation.
Over the coming weeks in Border Crossings I hope to explore
each of these branches, reflecting on the insights gained over recent months
and offer possibilities I currently envisage, to the Cosmos, and more
particularly to my networks and beyond and see where there may be resonance
with others such that we may Symmathesy = Learning together (Pronounced: sym-
* Symmathesy is a term that Nora Bateson introduced me to
last Monday. For more visit https://norabateson.wordpress.com/2015/11/03/symmathesy-a-word-in-progress/
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