Granddaughter Matilda less than 24 hours old, now 21 months. A miracle! Since I last wrote on this blog Australia has seen a 6 week election campaign and the surprise re-election of a Liberal National Government under the leadership of Prime Minister Scott Morrison. As a woman of faith, hope and love I sent him the following email yesterday, less than 48 hours after his "miraculous" win. Dear Mr Morrison I too believe in miracles. Congratulations on leading the Liberal and National Parties to a new term of government here in Australia. You said in your victory speech on Saturday night, that “Tonight is not about me or it’s not about the Liberal Party. Tonight is about every single Australian who depends on this government to put them first.” I urge you, and the Australian Parliament, to live that miraculous vision. It will be a miracle when our Government enables us as a nation to put first all Australians depending on t...
have a wonderful and life-giving journey, dear Liz, and may you return renewed and refreshed with a grateful heart, whatever the journey will reveal for you... much love Beate
ReplyDeleteLiz, have been very much with you as you enjoy the AECSD conference and head for the USA.
ReplyDeleteWill follow your journey with much interest and fascination. Have printed out your full itinerary and will keep it on my desk for regular 'unions'.
Love Michael